When you’re knee-deep in the marketing game like us, it’s crucial to be a business bookworm. From CEO biographies to agency gurus’ pearls of wisdom, a great deal of our theoretical knowledge has been gained through books and online resources. Check out our list of must reads below, these titles impart plenty of wisdom and insights…
Tools of Titans – Tim Ferris
If you’re a Ferris-fan you’re going to love this book no matter what. For those of you who need more convincing, Tools of Titans contains tools, tactics and secrets from top performers, ranging from biochemists to athletes and even celebrities. The american author, entrepreneur and public speaker combines all of his personal wisdom into three categories: healthy, wealthy and wise. This title includes everything from how to improve productivity to the fundamentals of high-achievers.

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferris
If you’re a Ferris-fan you’re going to love this book no matter what. For those of you who need more convincing, Tools of Titans contains tools, tactics and secrets from top performers, ranging from biochemists to athletes and even celebrities. The american author, entrepreneur and public speaker combines all of his personal wisdom into three categories: healthy, wealthy and wise. This title includes everything from how to improve productivity to the fundamentals of high-achievers.

Start With Why – Simon Sinek
In 2009, Simon Sinek started a movement to inspire others in the workplace; it centred around a need for businesses to articulate their unique ‘why statement’. When businesses communicate the ‘what’ first it doesn’t drive behaviour. Conversely, when businesses communicate the ‘why’ it speaks to the portion of the brain that controls decision making. Hence, smarter business practice. Read this nugget of gold to discover how to get the most out of yourself, your employees and your customers with Simon’s practices.

Zero To One – Peter Thiel
Love sharing secrets? Peter Thiel explores the theory that the greatest secret of our time is how many uncharted frontiers there are to explore and how many creations are waiting to be created. Peter Thiel demonstrates how we can find singular ways to create new things. He identifies the problematic age of technological stagnation and its distractions, and, most importantly, he discusses the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself.

Crush It – Gary Vaynerchuk
Do you have a hobby that you wish you could live for? An idea that can’t be put to bed? Let Gary Vaynerchuk convince you why ‘now’ is the time to cash in on your passion. Based on personal experience and success as a business man, Vaynerchuk writes how he made his real passion a success and provides a step by step manual for achieving this yourself.

The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
For the keen – The Lean Startup offers entrepreneurs a way to test their business visions consistently and continuously. It aims to prepare entrepreneurs for change and encourages flexibility to adapt to these changes to avoid business downturn. As an self-made entrepreneur, Eric Ries highlights the importance of companies needing to be more innovative now than ever before

Scaling Up – Verne Harnish
Step into the minds of CEOs and executives. Scaling Up features three decades worth of wisdom on how to grow a business… and it’s not just top-level resources. This book features crucial business actions for everyone from frontline employees to senior executives, all resulting in business growth.

A Smile in the Mind: Witty Thinking in Graphic Design
With a playful and entertaining spin, the wisdom in these pages aligns well with the creative, ever-changing world of design. Unexpected connections between design and business trigger fresh ideas and insights for readers, whilst some of the best examples of graphic wit over the past three decades are deconstructed. Including work from over 300 international designers, A Smile In The Mind offers a resourceful sourcebook and a prompt burst of creative ideas.