In today’s digital age, B2C marketers, in particular, must recognise the necessity of mobile marketing. According to Deloitte, consumers look at their mobile devices over 8 billion times a day. I mean, that’s a shit-tonne of times.
54% of emails are opened on mobile devices (Adestra), over 50% of smartphone users grab their smartphone immediately after waking up (Express Pigeon), and by 2019, mobile advertising will represent 72% of all digital ad spend (Marketing Land). Have we convinced you of the importance yet? OK good. Now don’t make these 7 mistakes…
1. Failing To GeoTarget
The beauty of today’s digital age is the stalker-ish targeting tactics that are at our fingertips! The moral of the story? Use it! If you have an offer that’s specifically for south-east QLD you should add geotargeting that will align with that location.
2. Not Taking The Time To Set Up Device Targeting
This is so important. It ensures you are targeting the traffic your client cares about. If you aren’t using it, you might as well just be throwing away your money. Research shows that Android and iPhone users have different tendencies so it’s crucial to tailor campaigns to device type. This nitty-grittyness will ensure you get the most bang for your buck.
3. Failing To Master The Basics
We’re talking simple things. Like a name and description. The mobile world knows what traffic it does or doesn’t want so if you’re not descriptive with you offer name you won’t be getting the traffic you deserve. For example, if your offer is geotargeted to a certain region or constrained to a specific device, you should include this information in the offer name. E.g., The Natives iPhone (AUS, NZ, 18-24). From the name, you can see the device, countries and age target.
4. Using Cookie-Based Tracking
Cookie-based traffic and mobile campaigns are like oil and water. They don’t mix. With new growth in ad-blocking technologies, these tracking strategies aren’t effective across mobile devices. Instead, try server-side tracking with a unique identifier. This allows for tracking across multiple device types.
5. Forgetting To Track App Installs
You might be setting up a whole lot of app install offers but are you actually tracking their success? If advertisers want users to continue to complete actions after they download the app, offer goals must capture and track these events such as in-app purchases, upgrades and progress milestones.
6. Getting Frustrated With Conversion Discrepancies
This can lead to hours in unnecessary tracking work. The trick is to always ensure you’re matching your click session lifespan with the attribution window. Get it? Got it? Good.